Using DMCA To Keep Your Online Content Safe from Theft

Published in Online tools

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As a small business, online content is crucial for your success. But unfortunately, the Internet is full of people who want to steal your online content and take advantage of the work that you have spent your time and money creating. At the same time, the web is also full of companies and services that can help protect and recover lost content. If you are interested in protecting the integrity and efficacy of your online presence, read on to discover why this issue is so important and what you can do about it.

Why is protection important?

  • SEO: Now more than ever, potential customers will be looking online to find a company in your niche, and it's your job to make sure that you are a prominently displayed option. But when other websites steal your content, it brings down your SEO and makes your information seem less credible.
  • Finances: If you have members of your company dedicated to creating content or you hire outside work from a content-writing service, your content is likely expensive. When it is stolen, the content that you have spent so much time and money creating is rendered virtually worthless.

To prevent and even reverse these negative consequences, many businesses turn to online providers that can protect their proprietary content. One such company is This online provider offers a host of online services that both reverse plagiarism and help your company from being robbed in the first place. Take a look at some of these key features and how they can help protect your business:

  • Badges: DMCA offers several options of badges to their customers that say "DMCA Protected". This alerts potential thieves that your content is registered under an entity that can protect it. Not only does this deter criminal activity on your site, but it also adds a professional feel to your content and adds credibility to your brand.
  • Watermarks: DMCA allows customers the option to create custom watermarks which they can put on images of their choosing. For only ten dollars a month, users can receive unlimited supply of professionally watermarked photos. Having a watermark on your photo protects against plagiarism in the first place because watermarked images are less likely to be stolen. If your content does end up in places that it shouldn't be, a watermark also makes retrieval simple because it is clear where the content is originally from.
  • Takedowns: For a relatively small fee and simple contact information, you can easily hire DMCA to take your content down from unauthorized websites. The company offers two options--you can either do the takedown yourself, aided by DMCA-written materials, or you can hire the company itself to fight the battle for you. Even if you cannot prevent every incident of content theft, DMCA can still help you reverse situations that may be damaging to your reputation or SEO.
  • Plugins: Based on popular demand, DMCA also offers a WordPress plugin that you can download for free. This plugin makes it easy to manage your website and account in one place, and it provides for a simple integration of features such as badges.

Now more than ever, it is crucial that you protect your proprietary content online. So don't wait; start a free account on DMCA now and reap the benefits of better SEO, increased credibility, and productive spending. Check out DMCA.Com to learn more about the options that they offer.

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